Sowing skills…

Mushroom cultivation

Green waste coming from coffee cultivation can be reused to produce substrate suitable for mushroom cultivation.

Energy sources

Small biomass or solar thermal plants can be deployed to fulfil the energy demand of the required pasteurization process.

Coffee farmer

Vital skills related to micro-enterprise management are also provided, focusing on sustainable production practices.

…sprouting sustainability

  • SDG1

    End poverty

    Increase the income of coffee farmers by introducing fungiculture.
  • SDG2

    Improve nutrition

    Improve the local diet by introducing specific mushroom species with excellent nutritional properties.
  • SDG3

    Ensure healthy lives

    By improving the local diet and increasing the income of coffee farmers, healthy lifestyle and well-being are encouraged.
  • SDG4

    Promote learning opportunities

    Provide knowledge and skills equally by means of free courses and learning material.
  • SDG7

    Affordable and sustainable energy

    Endorse conscious usage of traditional energy sources and introduce renewable energy sources.
  • SDG8

    Promote economic growth

    Create decent jobs in the mushroom cultivation sector and diversify the tanzanian economy.
  • SDG12

    Sustainable production

    Encourage usage of green waste as a substrate for mushroom cultivation.
  • SDG13

    Mitigate climate change impact

    Make the tanzanian agriculture more resilient to climate change by introducing fungiculture.
  • SDG15

    Combat desertification

    Fight deforestation by introducing fungiculture and environmentally friendly agriculture.
  • More?

    We can't wait to find out what other impacts HowtUyoga might have.